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June 2024   David McAlpine and I write a noisy review for Biology

April 2024    Berlin Brains 2024 - Urania. Caro and Livia talk about auditory statistical learning 

April 2024     Vishal Kannan joins the lab to work on the SPP2411 LOOPs project. Great discussions ensue!

March 2024   The LOOPs SPP2411 has its first retreat!!


Jan 2024       Theatre of Memory. Livia participates in the Transdisziplinäres Symposium zur Neuronästhetik


Nov 2023      Carolin Gehr joins as a lab manager, and Livia has a big smile on her face.


Oct 2023     The coordination project of our DFG-funded SPP2411 on LOOPs kicks off as the wonderful  Fauve                        de Arnal joins the lab.

                      Zhengjie Yang, Atri Ghosh, and Anurupa Karmakar join the lab to work on statistical learning and

                      are already asking lots of critical questions.

Sept 2023      Chi, Hugo and Alexandra's paper accepted in Current Research in Neurobiology.

                       The inferior colliculus does statistical learning. Plasticity upon unsupervised exposure to                                       predictable, but not unpredictable, context-sound associations leads to sharper spectral                                       representation.

June 2023      Our KITP program on statistical learning begins in the beautiful UCSB campus!


May 2023       Chi's behavioural study is published in iScience

May 2023       Irene Onorato joins the lab as postdoc to work in cortico-subcortical loops, as part of the Einstein                       Foundation grant with David McAlpine

April 2023      Ahmed Alramly joins the lab as a BCCN intern

March 2023    David McAlpine and I publish a commentary about 'Listening loops and the adapting auditory                               brain' in FiNS


Nov 2022       Xing Xiao joins the lab as postdoc to work in cortico-hippocampal interactions during memory                            consolidation, as part of the SFB1315


Oct 2022        Two new preprints uploaded. From very different perspectives, both find evidence for long lasting                         effects of neutral exposure to predictable sounds in auditory responses with consequences on                             subsequent learning.


                       Chen C, Ertman A, de Hoz L. 2022. Coding of unsupervised predictable sound-context                                         associations in the auditory midbrain. BioRxiv.


                       de Hoz L, Barniv D, Nelken I. 2022. Prior unsupervised experience leads to long lasting effects in                         sensory gating during discrimination learning. BioRxiv.                                                                                 

Sept 2022       Poppy Barsby and Alexandra Ertman submit their master theses after a very engaged period in                            which they worked very hard and produced beautiful work. Congratulations!

June 2022       Berlin LOOPs conference!!! finally

April 2022.       Malinda Tantirigama joins the lab as Einstein post-doc to work together with David McAlpine                                (Macquarie U, Sidney) on a very exciting project.


April 2022        Poppy Barsby and Alexandra Ertman join the lab as master students. But they are familiar faces                          here since they have been around for a while doing wonderful work!


March 2022.    Our DFG Priority Programme "LOOPS: cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive cognition"                              has been granted.

                         More on the coming public call soon!


                         MORE INFO

March 2022.    Philipp's paper is accepted in Scientific Reports. 

                        van Kronenberg P, Milinski L, Kruschke Z, de Hoz L (2021) Sound disrupts sleep-associated                                brain oscillations in rodents according to its meaning.


Sept 2021.       Philipp's and Chi's preprints uploaded within 3 minutes from each other!

                         Chen C, Trinh F, Harper N, de Hoz L (2021) Natural sound characteristics explain perceptual                              categorization. BioRxiv.


                         van Kronenberg P, Milinski L, Kruschke Z, de Hoz L (2021) Sound disrupts sleep-associated                               brain oscillations in rodents according to its meaning. BioRxiv. 


July 2021.        Our KITP workshop on statistical learning is accepted and online. It will take place June 12th to                           July 21st 2023 in UCSD, California 



October 2020.  Sharlen's work is published in Nature Communications

                         Oligodendrocytes optimize the reliability of neuronal coding

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